Thursday 9 February 2012


Marks:- 20
Time:- 45 min

  1. Read the following lines from the poem ‘ Night of the Scorpion’ and answer the following questions:-
May the poison purify your flesh
of desire, and your spirit of ambition,
they said, and they sat around
on the floor with mother in the centre
the peace of understanding on each face
more candles, more lanterns, more neighbours
more insects, and the endless rain.
my mother twisted through and through,
groaning on a mat

  1. Who are ‘ they ‘ in these lines?
  2. Give examples for alliteration?
  3. What does the ‘ peace understanding on each face suggest’?
  4. Did the prayers cure the mother? quote the appropriate line. (4)

  1. After the heating dispute between Swamy and his teacher Samuel, suppose Swamy’s father happened to meet Samuel. Write the likely conversation between them. (5)

  1. Complete the following using appropriate phrasal verbs:-

Deepak ……….(a)………. unexpectedly at his grandparents house one day. They were glad to see him. Grandfather was about to go out, but he………(b)……….. his outing. Both the grand father and grandmother ………(c)……….. a lot of effort to prepare a nice lunch for him. When his grandparents took a rest after lunch, Deepak ……..(d)……….. the TV and watched cricket.
(Put in, Put out, turn up, turn on, put off, put on) (2)

  1. The narrator left the hotel after the terrible incidents. Prepare a news report about the terrible incident. (4)
  2. Write a short profile of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, Former President of India.
  • Birth- Rameshwaram- Tamil Nadu- 1931
  • Scientist at ISRO
  • Simple living and high thinking
  • Becomes a world class scientist
  • Write books
  • Loves children and teaching profession
  • Becomes President of India -2002
  • A charming and dignified president (5)

  1. Edit the following review of Charlie Chaplin’s film Modern Times using the editing codes;
Chaplin’s silent last film was made when everyone else was making Talkies and innovation the film world is experimenting with then. In the film Charlie turn against modern society, the machine age. Firstly we see Him frantically trying to keep up with production lines, tighten bolts. then he is selected for an experiment with an automatic a feeding machine, but various mishap leads his bose to believe he has gone mad and Charlie is sent to a mental hospital (5)

Marks:- 20
Time:- 45 min

  1. Read the following lines from the poem ‘ the Himalayas’ and answer the following questions:-
At that time
I am seventeen, and have just started
To wear a saree everyday.
Swamy Anand is eighty nine
And almost blind
His thick glasses don’t seem to work,
They only magnify his cloudy ice.
Morning he summons me
From kitchen
And I read to him until lunch time.
One day he tells me
You can read your poems now
I read a few, he is silent
Thinking he’s asleep, I stop
But he says continue

Who is the ‘he’ in these lines?
What does the ‘cloudy ice’ suggest?
Pick out an example of assonance from these lines.
What does the phrase ‘continue’ means? (4)

  1. You are organizing a film festival. Prepare a notice. (5)
Prepare a profile of P N Panicker using the following hints

Birth - 1 st March 1909
Birth place - Neelamperor Kottyam
Parents - Govinda Pillai and Janaki Amma
Profession - Teacher
Contribution - Founder, Travancore Library Association
Founder, KANFED
Death - 19 th June 1995 (Day of reading)

  1. Read the following line from the poem ‘Skimbleshanks : The railway cat’
and answer the questions that follows’:-

He gives one flash of his glass-green eyes
And the signal goes ‘ All Clear’!
And we’re off at last for the northern part
Of the Northern Hemisphere!
You may say that by and large it is Skimble who’s in charge
Of the sleeping car Express.
From the driver and the guards to the bagmen playing cards
He will supervise them all, more or less
Down the corridor he paces and examines all the phases
Of the travelers in the first and the third
He establishes control by a regular patrol
And he’d know at once if anything occurs

What is the relevance of glass-green eyes?
How did Skimble assure his presence in the carriage?
Write example for alliteration. (3)

  1. Replace the words in bold letters with the right phrases chosen from the brackets.

While Raju was preparing for his examination, he came to know from one of his friends that the examinations were postponed (a). He set aside his book and decided to start (b) for a walk. He wore (c) his cloths and he went with his friend. On their way they met (d) their old teacher. After having a long conversation with the teacher, they returned

( came across, set out, put off, put on ) (2)

  1. Edit the following passage:

He was a little late for the afternoon classes, but he
goes (a) boldly into the class room with his bandaged knees. The knees are (b) their own apology, and the teacher nodds (c) to him and went on with the lesson. He was disappoint (d) that she does (e) not ask him any questions, so that he could tell her of his peril and of his friend. (6)


Marks:- 20
Time:- 45 min

  1. Imagine that you are asked to make an announcement before the staging of the play ‘ The Beggar and the King’. Prepare an announcement. (5)
  2. Read the following from the poem ‘ Cactus’ and answer the following questions:-
Once these thorns were flowers
I loathe lovers who betray.
Poets have abandoned the deserts
To go back to the gardens.
Only camels remain here, and merchants
Who trample my flowers to dust.

  1. Why did the poet returns to gardens?
  2. What were the thorns once?
  3. Write down images of deserts.
  4. Write the rhyming schemes of the line (4)

  1. Write a character sketch of the young lawyer in the story ‘ The bet’ by Anton Chekhov . (4)
  2. Your school is conducting a film festival. Following is the time, venue and schedule. Study carefully and answer the questions.

Nov 25
Tagore Theatre
10 am
Nov 25
Adaminte Makan Abu
Kairali Theatre
2 pm
Nov 26
Ray Theatre
11 am
Nov 26
Three Idiots
MGM Theatre
1 pm
Nov 26
Archive Theatre
3 pm

  1. Which movie is exhibited in Kairali Theatre?
  2. When is Three idiots shown?
  3. If u want to watch a Malayalam film, which theater will u visit?
  4. In which theater is Dreams exihibited?
  5. Write a paragraph about the programme. (5)

  1. Add appropriate phrasal verbs. (Put On, give Up, Went off, Put out, Put off)
  1. The bomb………….at midday.
  2. He ….. his jackets.
  3. We are going to …….our sports membership after this year.
  4. The examination …………. (2)

Marks:- 20
Time:- 45 min

  1. Read the following lines from the poem ‘In the Country’ and answer the questions that follow:
This life is sweetest; in the wood
I hear no children cry for food;
I see no woman, white with care;
No man, with muscles wasting here.
No doubt it is a selfish thing
To fly from human suffering;
No doubt he is a selfish man,
Who shuns poor creatures sad and wan.

1. Why does the speaker feel ‘life is sweetest’ in the woods?
2. What is described as a selfish act?
3. Explain the expression ‘women white with care’?
4. Write the rhyme scheme followed in the stanzas. (4)

  1. Read the following lines from the poem ‘The Arrow and the Song’ and answer the questions that follow.
I shot an arrow into the air,
It fell to earth, I knew not where;
For, so swiftly it flew, the sight
Could not follow it in its flight.
I breathed a song into the air,
It fell to earth, I knew not where;
For who has sight so keen and strong
That it can follow the flight of song?

1. Why could the speaker not follow the arrow in its flight?
2. Why couldn't any one follow the flight of a song?
3. Write the rhyme scheme followed in the stanza.
4. Pick out instances of alliteration from the first stanza. (4)

  1. Complete the following conversation between Doctor Giraldo and
Balthazar. Some parts of it are missing. Complete the conversation.

Doctor : Balthazar, you are an excellent artist. This cage looks very
Balthazar : __________a______________. Many told me so.
Doctor : __________b______________?
Balthazar : Sorry sir, it has already been sold.
Doctor : Already sold? __________c______________?
Balthazar : For sixty pesos
Doctor : If you sell the cage to me, __________d______________.
Balthazar : I cannot sell you something that’s already sold.
Doctor : I wish __________e______________ (5)

4. Prepare a short profile of Resul Pookkutty for your school magazine.
Born : 1971, Vilakkupara, Kollam, Kerala
Education : B.Sc (Physics), Film and Television Institute, Pune
Wife : Shadia
Awards : 2009 - Oscar Award for Best Sound Mixing for the
and Honours film Slumdog Millionaire
2010 - Padma Shri by Government of India
2010 - National Film Award for Best Audiography
for the film Pazhassi Raja (5)

5. Complete the following passage choosing the appropriate words from brackets and fill where ‘/’ is given.
Today I watched the film ‘Dreams’ directed /(a) Akira Kurosawa. It was /
(b) excellent compilation /(c) eight beautiful short films. I was fascinated by some of the shots in the film. The excellence /(d) photography /(e) music made the film enjoyable to everyone.
(in, an, and, from, of, by) (2)

Wednesday 1 February 2012

The Dropouts also succeed ---- a point of view ----

           Dropping out has always fascinated me. Dropping out of college is always something that has intrigued me a lot. the reason being that quite a few of them who actually dropout gone to become not just world beaters but path breaking innovators who actually improve humanity as a whole. While my intention is not to encourage pupil to dropout, I feel that this actually work for a certain section.

          Education is defined as a process in which we gain knowledge,values and skills set that can aid our future lives. In today's educational system we are told that these three core competencies are imbued in us unfortunately that is not always the case. the fact is quite a few cases we are stuck in the illusion that we shall obtained these under the grab of a degree certificate. A degree certificate largely a reflection of our memorizing ability, our ability to study local author books to pass the exam some how and also of knowledge which eventually gets diluted once we enter the working world.

        In essence, our educational experiences fits the person who is comfortable with adapting himself to a structured system. The structured system is efficient in it own ways but it suits only certain type of people. On the other hand, the person who has dropped out, ironically, attains all the three competencies with his experience with the practical world.

          First the drop out experiences downright humiliation from society. Our society decry and despise him for his inability to cope with the Engineering-Medical demands. He then goes through a stage where he is mentally corned and he decides to peruse the unknown. He starts to explore himself more since he has the time to do so and doesn't have much of a choice.

          Once in the exploration process, he decides to explore the unknown in his area of interest. he is not confined by the structures set by either society or the system, thus the exploration covers a much wider area of study since that the individual never takes anything for granted.

         For example:- If I was an engineering student, I would forgo some chapter in my syllabus since these would not be covered for the "exam". on the other hand, the dropouts would try to explore the practical implication of this subject and explore the unknown within this subject by reading on his own. As such, this allows him to study beyond the realms of structural education which narrows down our intelligence to a stream lined path. This immense exploration enhances that the individual's knowledge in a much wider perspective, a perspective that would enhance his skills set also.

           Skill set is a very crucial aspects of education. In fact the focus on education should be on the skills set more than the academic jargon. Once an individual starts to explore and settles in one's specific area (owing to his own exploration and not what the system pushes him into) then that individual will look for skill sets that can help him out. Additional courses can help him gain this practical knowledge that can directly help his area of interest.

           My reference here is people who want to succeed but they are not able to do well in the education system we have. In no way do I encourage people dropping out, if given option it should be avoided.

          Just because u dropout doesn't mean the world ends, it is just the beginning of whole knew exciting world!

------Sreeram Balasubramanyam-----